Monday, June 14, 2010

Needs some fresh air anyone? (overload with drama)



After partying like hell crazy last night, i slept till night then only decided to go out.

Went to "Asia cafe" with em girl's. Talk about lots of stuff.. My life is like becoming gossip girl's series weih.. really dramatic..seriously.

But trust me its not a good thing..

But what can i do, i made my choice to go with this life..right?
I mean sometimes i miss the times when i had the dramaless life..with my exhubby..
we use to have so much every single day with no drama just happyness.
But somethings just happen's then there's no turning back time to go back like how life is.

Fuck, im starting my emoness again. ok ok i shall stop.

Kimee behind me.




Kimee once more.

After chatting and eating all. When up to the top floor. Its time for some exercise! haha we were like addicts to this game. we kept playing again and again..haha! XD

We play until we started getting rough until i cant count how many times the soccer thing fly out and actually hit ppl around us!! LMAO. seriously..those ppl were staring at us like 1 kind. but so? were having fun. dont like it? then fuck off will you? haha!

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